A randomized trial of long-term remote monitoring of pacemaker recipients (The COMPAS trial)
Study Design
- Multi-center, prospective, large-scale, randomized clinical trial
- 538 patients in 43 French centers
- To evaluate the effects and determine the benefits of long-term follow-up with BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring® on safety and effectiveness in pacemaker patients
Key Result 1
COMPAS demonstrated a 66% reduction in hospitalizations for atrial arrhythmia and related stroke in the Home Monitoring group.
Key Result 2
COMPAS showed comparable safety event rates in both groups.
Key Result 3
COMPAS demonstrated that BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring® reduced the number of interim in-office follow-ups by 56 %
Key Result 4
While at the same time making these follow-ups more often clinically actionable, i.e. resulting in pacemaker reprogramming or medication changes.
Clinical Relevance
- The COMPAS trial results demonstrate that BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring® is a safe and highly effective follow-up method for pacemaker patients.
- BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring® reduces the follow-up burden of overloaded clinics by enabling physicians to focus on patients who are more critically in need of medical attention.
- BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring® enhances patient safety by enabling physicians to intervene earlier in case of a clinically relevant event.
Study Objective |
Primary Endpoint |
Major Secondary Endpoints |
Clinical Sites |
Sample Size |
Main Inclusion Criteria |
Main Exclusion Criteria |
Study Flowchart |
Follow-Up |
Study Duration |
Reference no. |
Principal Investigators |