Radiation Protection
No matter how small, any dose of radiation has an associated risk of cancer, and this risk increases with greater exposure.2 Zero-Gravity provides a weightless 87-100% reduction in radiation exposure as compared with the combination of conventional lead aprons with table shields and movable shields.
Additionally, based on a revolutionizing woven textile technology, Texray AB has developed two novel head protectors: HeadPeace & MindPeace. Studies show an additional 75-97% radiation reduction when wearing Texray head protectors during endovascular procedures compared to wearing only a traditional thyroid collar.3, 4, 5

1 Savage C, Seale IV TM, Shaw CJ et al. (2013) Evaluation of a Suspended Personal Radiation Protection System vs. Conventional Apron and Shields in Clinical Interventional Procedures, Open Journal of Radiology
2 Lloyd W. Klein, Donald L. Miller, Stephen Balter, Warren Laskey, David Haines, Alexander Norbash, Matthew A. Mauro, James A. Goldstein, Occupational Health Hazards in the Interventional Laboratory: Time for a Safer Environment, Radiology, Feb. 2009, Vol. 250, No. 2:538–544, doi:10.1148/radiol.2502082558
3 Larsson M., Jonasson P., Apell P. Evaluation of a new personal radiation protection device for the operator’s head during X-ray diagnostics and interventions. Physica Medica, European Journal of Medical Physics, 2018, 52:84.
4 Larsson M, Apell P, Jonasson P, Lundh C. Evaluation of a novel thyroid collar designed to reduce head and neck radiation exposure during X-ray guided interventions. Poster presentation at the LINC meeting, Leipzig, Germany, 2020.
5 Bärenfänger F., Walbersloh J., El Mouden R., Georg F., Block A., Rohde S., (2021). Clinical evaluation of a novel head protection system for interventional radiologists. European Journal of Radiology, 11011