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Designed for secure and efficient trapping

TrapIT trapping balloon catheter is designed to trap wires within guiding catheters securely for an efficient exchange of OTW catheters. The tactile auto-stop at the hemostatic valve guides correct insertion depth by preventing the tip from exiting the guiding catheter. 


Vascular Intervention Coronary Trapping Balloon Catheter

Product Highlights


Balloon designed to trap with high trapping force¹


Highly compatible small shaft profile¹


Unique auto-stop for positioning aid¹

Product Overview



Technical Data

Trapping balloon catheter  
Nominal Pressure (NP) 8 atm
Rated Burst Pressure (RBP) 12 atm
Shaft diameter 2F
Balloon length 15 mm
Balloon nominal diameter 2.5 mm
Effective length T-100 111,5 cma (for standard 100 cm guiding catheter)
Effective length T-90 101,5 cma (for 90 cm guiding catheter) 

Ordering Information

Ordering number IMDS article number Guiding catheter compatibility Guiding catheter length
451667 TRP9015 6F, 7F, 8F 90 cm
451668 TRP10015 6F, 7F, 8F 90 cm*, 100 cm

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a. To accommodate auto-stop for combined actual length of guiding catheter and Y-connector.

*For use with a 90 cm guiding catheter, the shaft of the 100 cm compatible TrapIt is provided with a depth marking to indicate that the distal tip of the catheter is at the level of the distal tip of the guiding catheter.

1. IMDS Data on File.

TrapIT is a trademark or registered trademark of IMDS.
Manufactured by IMDS and distributed by BIOTRONIK in selected countries.
