特色技术 Image 高端诊断 优化照护 DX 技术 适用于单腔 ICD 患者的房颤管理解决方案 Image 用于生理起搏 传导系统起搏 稳固支撑 更样选择 Image Save Time. Improve Outcomes. BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring Taking care of cardiac device patients can be challenging. The BIOTRONIK remote monitoring system is designed to make this task easier and save time for everyone involved. What if you could save time and improve patient outcomes? Image 守护每一个生命,用 CLS 让一切皆在掌控之中 闭环刺激 25 年来,使用起搏器或除颤器的患者一直受益于百多力独家提供的闭环刺激 (CLS) 传感器。 Image MR Conditional 设备 ProMRI 多年来,使用起搏器、ICD 或 CRT 设备的患者一直无缘接受 MRI 检查。
Image Save Time. Improve Outcomes. BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring Taking care of cardiac device patients can be challenging. The BIOTRONIK remote monitoring system is designed to make this task easier and save time for everyone involved. What if you could save time and improve patient outcomes?